Enable filament sensor, macros cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ M558 P9 C"^io7.in" H3 F250 T12000 A3 ; set Z probe type to bltouch
;; Pay special attention to the values bellow on G31, the Z value needs to be validated for your printer
;; Start with something like 0.5
;; Documentation available: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_and_calibrate_the_Z_probe
G31 P500 X-27.5 Y-13 Z2.05 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
G31 P500 X-27.5 Y-13 Z2.1 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M671 X506.5:250:-2.5 Y0:508.5:0 S6 ; define positions of Z leadscrews or bed levelling screws
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ G10 P0 R0 S0 ; set initial tool 0 active a
; Custom settings are not defined
; Filament sensor - Duet3D laser filament monitor
;M574 E0 S1 P"io4.in" ; configure extruder endstop
;M591 D0 P5 C"E0_stop" R40:120 E3.0 S0 ; Duet3D laser sensor for extruder drive 0, connected to endstop input 3 (E0), tolerance 40 to 120%, 3mm comparison length, disabled
M574 E0 S1 P"io4.in" ; configure extruder endstop
M591 D0 P5 C"E0_stop" R40:120 E3.0 S1 ; Duet3D laser sensor for extruder drive 0, connected to endstop input 4 (E0), tolerance 40 to 120%, 3mm comparison length, enabled filament monitoring
; Miscellaneous
M575 P1 S1 B57600 ; enable support for PanelDue
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
; Helps guide leveling the bed mechanically, and calibrate the ZProbe trigger height before running a grid bed compensation routine..
; Preamble to tell the user to prepare the printer before continuing
;M291 P"Before proceeding make sure the printer is mechanically sound and properly functioning." R"Prepare printer for leveling routine" S3 ; User must click OK
;M291 P"ZProbe should be configured and working. Clear the print bed of any obstacles or debris." R"Prepare printer for leveling routine" S3 ; User must click OK
;M291 P"This routine will take about 10-20 minutes and heat both the bed and nozzle." R"Prepare printer for leveling routine" S3 ; User must click OK
;M291 P"You will need a screwdriver and piece of paper. Filament will be unloaded." R"Prepare printer for leveling routine" S3 ; User must click OK
;M291 P"Make sure you have successful Gcodes logged to the console before proceeding." R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel
;M291 P"Make a note of your M558 Z value and backup current heightmap before proceeding." R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel
; Clear compensation map and Zprobe trigger height
M291 P"Grid bed compensation map will be disabled. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
M291 P"Bed and nozzle will preheat and home all axis." R"Preheat and Home" S3 T0 ; User must click OK or cancel
; Heat up bed and nozzle to PLA temps in prep for filament removal and probing
T0 ; Activate first tool
M104 S85 ; Set nozzle to 85 and release
M140 S65 ; Set bed to 65 and release
G28 ; home all
M561 ; Disable any current bed compensation
; Move nozzle forward for filament removal
M291 P"Moving nozzle to the front for filament removal and cleaning." T0
M98 P"0:/macros/1_Nozzle Access.g" ; Moves print head to front left and drops the bed down for easy access
M109 S85 ; Set nozzle to 85 and wait
M98 P"0:/macros/Musical Tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Tone to get user attention
; Unload filament and clean nozzle
M291 P"Unload filament if loaded and clean nozzle, then press OK to continue" R"Unload Filament" S3 T0 ; User must click OK or cancel
; Preheat to probing temps
M291 P"Preheating the bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 for accurate probing" T0
M104 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and release
M190 S60 ; Set bed to 60 and wait
M109 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and wait
M98 P"0:/macros/Musical Tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Tone to get user attention
; Move nozzle to center of bed at Z10 and drop to Z1
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed and move close to the bed" T0
M98 P"0:/macros/0_Center Nozzle.g"
G90 G1 Z3 F400 ; drop bed for nozzle clearance
G92 Z4 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
; Set lower speeds for Z homing and lower Z motor current
M98 P"ZSpeedsSlow.g"
M913 Z50 ; Drop motor current to prevent damage in case of head crash
; Dialog to allow user to job z to touch nozzle to bed gently and then move Z down 10
M291 P"Carefully Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; set z = 0
; Move nozzle to leveling points and prompt user to level bed at each
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to the 3 leveling points twice." S1 T2
; Move to leveling point 1
G1 Z2 ; move to z2 for travel
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #1" ; Move to rear left corner
M291 P"Adjust point 1. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 1" S2 Z1
; Move to leveling point 2
G1 Z2 ; Move to Z2 for clearance
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #2" ; Move to rear right corner
M291 P"Adjust point 2. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 2" S2 Z1
; Move to leveling point 3
G1 Z2 ; Move to Z2 for clearance
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #3" ; Move to front middle
M291 P"Adjust point 3. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 3" S2 Z1
; Repeat to verify
M291 P"The adjustment sequence will now repeat for fine adjustment." S1 T2
; Move to leveling point 1
G1 Z2 ; move to z2 for travel
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #1" ; Move to rear left corner
M291 P"Adjust point 1. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 1" S2 Z1
; Move to leveling point 2
G1 Z2 ; Move to Z2 for clearance
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #2" ; Move to rear right corner
M291 P"Adjust point 2. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 2" S2 Z1
; Move to leveling point 3
G1 Z2 ; Move to Z2 for clearance
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Leveling Position #3" ; Move to front middle
M291 P"Adjust point 3. Jog down by 2 and adjust screw." R"Adjustment Point 3" S2 Z1
G1 Z2 ; Move to Z2 for clearance
M98 P"0:/macros/Musical Tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Tone to get user attention
; Turn off heaters
M104 S0 ; Set nozzle to 0 and release
M140 S0 ; Set bed to 0 and release
M98 P"ZSpeedsNormal.g"
M98 P"CurrentsNormal.g"
M291 P"Homing"
G28 ; Home XYZ
M84 ; Turn off the motors
M291 P"The bed has been mechanically leveled and Z0 set." S2
; Tell user to take values from gcode console log and average the Z height and use that as the new Z probe trigger height
;M291 P"Average the 10 Z height values in the console and round to 2 decimal places" S2
;M291 P"The resulting value is the ZProbe trigger height value (M558 Zn)" S2
;M291 P"Either set the value in config.g and reboot, or send M558 Zn in the console before running G29." S2
;M291 P"The bed is now mechanically leveled and probe height calibrated." R"Congratulations!" S2
;M291 P"You may now run a Grid Bed Compensation Detailed Probe. (G92)." S2
; Run bed grid compensation routine
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
M291 P"Grid bed compensation map and Z Probe trigger height will be cleared. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
M291 P"Heights will be found in gcode console if logging successful gcode is enabled" R"Did you remember to enabled gcode logging?" S3
; Clear compensation map and Z probe trigger height
G28 ; home all axis
M561 ; Disable any current bed compensation
G90 ; Absolute positioning
T0 ; Activate first tool
M98 P"ZSpeedsSlow.g" ; Set lower speeds for Z homing and lower Z motor current
M913 Z50 ; Drop motor current to prevent damage in case of head crash
; Preheat to probing temps
M291 P"Preheating to bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 for accurate probing"
M104 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and release
M190 S60 ; Set bed to 60 and wait
M109 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and wait
M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g"
; 1
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Center Nozzle on Bed"
G90 G1 Z3 F400
G92 Z4 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
G90 G1 Z3 F400
M104 S0 ; Turn off hotend heater as it's no longer needed
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Center Probe on Bed"
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-1
G1 Z5
G30 S-3 ; measure probe height and set it.
M500 P31 ; save trigger height to config-override.g
G1 Z5
M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g"
; Turn off heaters
M104 S0 ; Set nozzle to 0 and release
M140 S0 ; Set bed to 0 and release
M98 P"ZSpeedsNormal.g" ; return to normal speeds
M98 P"CurrentsNormal.g"
M291 P"Homing"
G28 ; Home Z
M84 ; turn off the motors
M291 P"Probing complete. Turning off heaters and homing axis. Check log for trigger heights and enter into config.g" S2
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
; 0:/macros/Bed Leveling/0_Grid Compensation Assist.g
; Macro to run a mesh bed compensation routine (G29)
M291 P"Grid bed compensation map will be cleared and re-calculated. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING. This will take about 30 minutes." S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
; Preheat to probing temps
M291 P"Preheating to bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 for accurate probing" R"Proceed?" S3
T0 ; Activate first tool
M190 S65 ; Set bed to 65 and wait
;M109 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and wait. Used only for stall detection probing.
; Clear current mesh compensation map and disable compensation.
G28 ; Home all
M561 ; Disable any current bed compensation
; Set lower speeds for Z homing and lower Z motor current
M98 P"ZSpeedsSlow.g"
M98 P"CurrentsHoming.g" ; Drop motor current to prevent damage in case of head crash
M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Tone to get user attention
M291 P"Running mesh grid compensation probing cycle. Do not disturb the printer."
M558 H1.5 ; lower dive height
G29 ; Run mesh compensation
M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Tone to get user attention
M558 H3 ; return dive height
; Turn off heaters
M140 S0 ; Set bed to 0 and release
;M104 S0 ; turn off hot end heater
M98 P"ZSpeedsNormal.g"
M98 P"CurrentsNormal.g"
M291 P"Homing"
G28 ; Home all
M84 ; turn off the motors
M291 P"Check heightmap for results." R"Probing complete!" S3
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
; 0:/macros/Bed Leveling/0_Measure Zmax trigger.g
; Automates measuring the Zmax trigger for optical endstop at 305mm
M291 P"This will set Z0 and calibrate Zmax height to 305mm" R"Proceed?" S3
M291 P"Homing all axis" T5
G28 ; Home all
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M291 P"Bed will now drop to Z305" S3
G1 Z305 ; Move bed down 305mm
M291 P"Adjust optical endstop flag until light just turns off" R"Set Zmax=305mm" S3
M291 P"ZMax homing will now be tested, starting with homing Zmin" S3
M291 P"Homing to Zmin" T5
M291 P"Ready to test Zmax homing?" R"Proceed?" S3
M291 P"Homing to Zmax" T5
G1 Z350 H3 F400 ; home to z max and set the trigger height as the M208 Z maxima
M500 ; save the measured M208 Z maxima to config-override.g
M291 P"ZMax homing test complete. Printer will now home all." R"Proceed?" S3
G28 ; Home all
M291 P"ZMax calibration complete." S3
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
;prob testing
;used to measure probe repeatability - 24 points
M291 S3 P"This will test probe repeatability on 24 points" R"Proceed?"
G30 P0 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P1 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P2 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P3 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P4 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P5 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P6 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P7 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P8 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P9 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P10 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P11 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P12 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P13 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P14 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P15 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P16 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P17 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P18 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P19 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P20 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P21 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P22 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P23 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000
G1 X100.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y100.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X50.0 Y150.0 Z5 F5000
G1 X150.0 Y50.0 Z5 F5000
G30 P24 X150.0 Y150.0 Z-99999 F5000 S-1
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
; 0:/macros/Bed Leveling/0_Set Zmax height.g
; Automates measuring the Zmax height for optical endstop at ~300mm
M291 P"This will set Z0 and calibrate Zmax height" R"Proceed?" S3
M291 P"Homing all axis" T5
G28 ; Home all
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M98 P"0:/macros/0_Center Nozzle.g" ; Move nozzle to bed center
M291 P"Adjust nozzle height until it's touching bed" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; set Z0
M291 P"Bed will now drop to Z300" S3
G1 Z300 ; Move bed down 300mm
G1 S3 Z300 F200
M500 ; save m208 value for z axis to config override
M291 P"Adjust optical endstop flag until light just turns off" R"Set Zmax=300mm" S3
M291 P"ZMax homing will now be tested, starting with homing Zmin" S3
M291 P"Homing to Zmin" T5
G28 Z
M291 P"Ready to test Zmax homing?" R"Proceed?" S3
M291 P"Homing to Zmax" T5
M98 P"0:/macros/2_HomeZMax.g" ; Test Zmax homing
M291 P"ZMax homing test complete. Printer will now home all." R"Proceed?" S3
G28 ; Home all
M291 "ZMax calibration complete." S3
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
M291 P"Probe will be tested 10 times and return mean and standard deviation. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
G30 P0 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P1 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P2 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P3 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P4 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P5 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P6 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P7 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P8 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999
G30 P9 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 S-1
M117 P"Check Console for Results"
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
; move the nozzle to the center of the bed
;G91 G1 Z5 ; drop bed for nozzle clearance
G90 G1 X142 Y140 F12000 ; move to bed center
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
; move the nozzle to the center of the bed
;G91 G1 H2 Z5 ; drop bed for nozzle clearance
G90 G1 X185 Y111 F12000 ; Move x and Y axis so probe over bed center
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
;Moves print head to rear left position closest to reference adjustment screw.
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 Z2 ; Lower bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X28 Y280 F12000 ; Move to rear left corner
G91 ; Relative positioning
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
;Moves print head to rear right position closest to pitch adjustment screw.
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 Z2 ; Lower bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X255 Y280 F12000 ; Move to rear right corner
G91 ; Relative positioning
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
;Moves print head to front middle position closest to roll adjustment screw.
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 Z2 ; Lower bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X142 Y16 F12000 ; Move to front middle
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G90 ; Absolute
g1 Z0 ; move to Z0
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G90 ; Absolute
G1 Z1
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G90 ; Absolute
G1 Z10
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G91 ; Relative
G1 Z0.02
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G91 ; Relative
G1 Z0.1
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G91 ; Relative
G1 Z-0.02
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
G1 Z-0.1
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
M291 P"Grid bed compensation map and Z Probe trigger height will be cleared. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
M291 P"Heights will be found in gcode console if logging successful gcode is enabled" R"Did you remember to enabled gcode logging?" S3
; Clear compensation map and Z probe trigger height
G28 ; home all axis
M561 ; Disable any current bed compensation
G29 S2 ; Clear mesh bed compensation parameters
G31 Z0 ; Reset Z probe trigger height
G90 ; Absolute positioning
T0 ; Activate first tool
M98 P"ZSpeedsSlow.g" ; Set lower speeds for Z homing and lower Z motor current
M913 Z60 ; Drop motor current to prevent damage in case of head crash
; Preheat to probing temps
M291 P"Preheating to bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 for accurate probing"
M104 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and release
M190 S60 ; Set bed to 60 and wait
M109 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and wait
; 1
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 2
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 3
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 4
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 5
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 6
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 7
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 8
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 9
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; 10
M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3
G1 X149 Y130 Z5 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G92 Z8 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle
M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3
G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0
M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3
G1 Z1 ; Drop bed for nozzle clearance
G1 X192.2 Y98.1 F4000 ; Move to bed center
G1 Z10
G30 S-1
; Turn off heaters
M104 S0 ; Set nozzle to 0 and release
M140 S0 ; Set bed to 0 and release
M98 P"ZSpeedsNormal.g" ; return to normal speeds
M913 Z75 ; reset z motor current
G28 ; Home Z
M291 P"Probing complete. Turning off heaters and homing axis. Check log for trigger heights and enter into config.g" S2
; Tone to get user attention
M400 ; Clear movement buffer so tones play reliably
M300 S666 P500
G4 P501
M300 S1111 P300
G4 P301
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
G90 ; Absolute
G1 Z10 ; Lower bed 10mm
G30 S-1 ; Do a probe and don't reset z height to get trigger height of probe.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
G92 Z0
@ -1 +0,0 @@
G92 Z10
Reference in New Issue
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