M291 P"Grid bed compensation map and Z Probe trigger height will be cleared. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel. M291 P"Heights will be found in gcode console if logging successful gcode is enabled" R"Did you remember to enabled gcode logging?" S3 ; Clear compensation map and Z probe trigger height ; G28 ; home all axis M561 ; Disable any current bed compensation G90 ; Absolute positioning T0 ; Activate first tool M98 P"ZSpeedsSlow.g" ; Set lower speeds for Z homing and lower Z motor current M913 Z50 ; Drop motor current to prevent damage in case of head crash ; Preheat to probing temps ; M291 P"Preheating to bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 for accurate probing" M104 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and release M190 S60 ; Set bed to 60 and wait M109 S210 ; Set nozzle to 210 and wait M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g" ; 1 ; M291 P"Nozzle will now move to center of bed to reset Z0 and calibrate probe" S3 M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Center Nozzle on Bed" G90 G1 Z3 F400 M400 G92 Z4 ; Reset z to 8 to allow jogging up to touch bed to nozzle M291 P"Jog the Z Axis until the bed and nozzle are touching and click OK" R"Setting Z=0" Z1 S3 M400 G92 Z0 ; Set z = 0 G90 G1 Z3 F400 M104 S0 ; Turn off hotend heater as it's no longer needed M291 P"Probe will now move to center of bed and measure trigger height 10 times" R"ZProbe Trigger Height Calibration" T3 M400 M98 P"0:/macros/Calibration/Bed Leveling/1_Center Probe on Bed" G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-1 M400 G1 Z5 M400 G30 S-3 ; measure probe height and set it. M400 M500 P31 ; save trigger height to config-override.g G1 Z5 M98 P"0:/macros/musical tunes/GetAttention.g" ; Turn off heaters ; M104 S0 ; Set nozzle to 0 and release M140 S0 ; Set bed to 0 and release M98 P"ZSpeedsNormal.g" ; return to normal speeds M98 P"CurrentsNormal.g" M400 M291 P"Homing" G28 ; Home Z M84 ; turn off the motors M291 P"Probing complete. Turning off heaters and homing axis. Check log for trigger heights and enter into config.g" S2