; 0:/macros/Bed Leveling/0_Set Zmax height.g ; Automates measuring the Zmax height for optical endstop at ~300mm ; M291 P"This will set Z0 and calibrate Zmax height" R"Proceed?" S3 M291 P"Homing all axis" T5 G28 ; Home all G90 ; Absolute positioning M98 P"0:/macros/0_Center Nozzle.g" ; Move nozzle to bed center M291 P"Adjust nozzle height until it's touching bed" Z1 S3 G92 Z0 ; set Z0 M291 P"Bed will now drop to Z300" S3 G1 Z300 ; Move bed down 300mm G1 S3 Z300 F200 M500 ; save m208 value for z axis to config override M291 P"Adjust optical endstop flag until light just turns off" R"Set Zmax=300mm" S3 M291 P"ZMax homing will now be tested, starting with homing Zmin" S3 M291 P"Homing to Zmin" T5 G28 Z M291 P"Ready to test Zmax homing?" R"Proceed?" S3 M291 P"Homing to Zmax" T5 M98 P"0:/macros/2_HomeZMax.g" ; Test Zmax homing M291 P"ZMax homing test complete. Printer will now home all." R"Proceed?" S3 G28 ; Home all M291 "ZMax calibration complete." S3