M291 P"Probe will be tested 10 times and return mean and standard deviation. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel. G28 M401 G30 P0 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P1 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P2 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P3 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P4 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P5 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P6 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P7 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P8 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 G30 P9 X192.2 Y98.1 Z-9999 S-1 M402 M117 P"Check Console for Results"