; Raise temp of heated bed to 60 and nozzle to 210 ; M291 P"Setting PID and retraction values for PLA" R"Proceed?" S3 ; New values ;M307 H0 A82.6 C112.0 D2.7 S1.00 V24.0 B0 ; PID tune for bed at 60c ;M307 H1 A460.6 C173.6 D3.1 S1.00 V23.9 B0 ; Pid tune for hotend at 210c M572 D0 S0.05 ; Pressure advance for PLA M207 S0.7 R-0.000 F8000 T1500 ; retraction settings for PLA T0 M140 S60 ; Set bed temp to 80 M116 ; Wait for temps to be reached... G10 P0 S180 ; Set extruder temp (tool 0) to 200 M116 M117 PLA Preheat complete ; and send a notice to the screen that temps have been reached ;Play a tone M300 S1250 P200 G4 P201 M300 S1500 P200 G4 P201 M300 S1100 P200 G4 P201 M300 S950 P300 G4 P400 M300 S1175 P300 G4 S1